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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As some countries emerge from the first acute phase of the corona pandemic, many parallels have been drawn between the current health crisis and the climate crisis, which can be misleading sometimes. Public health has rightly become the number-one priority for governments over the past two months. However, addressing climate change will take even more time & effort, as the required solutions are even more complex and wide-reaching than finding a vaccine. The climate crisis is a challenge that is incomparably bigger since the livelihood of our planet and our civilization is at stake.
The current crisis has revealed a sobering truth about the hardship of fighting climate change: Even a global economic shutdown with huge social consequences barely impacts greenhouse gas emissions! Because even though emissions fell temporarily, we’re still emitting this year and. therefore atmospheric carbon will continue to increase. We would need annual reductions around 8% every year for the next decade (and beyond) to stand a good chance of limiting global warming. And indeed, 2020 is currently looking to become the hottest year ever recorded!
The climate crisis will not wait for a more convenient time for us to take action. Which is why we’re working just as hard as ever to make 100% renewable energy a reality and coming to you right now with our latest take on recent developments in the world of energy. In our May newsletter you’ll find our views on…
- … how the oil price crash is affecting the rollout of renewable energy.
- … whether the current crisis could actually be the aviation industry’s chance for a green reset.
- … how an international treaty dating back to the 1990s can get in governments’ way to finally take climate action.
This month we were also quite busy preparing the publication of the English version of our policy paper “Key points of a legislative initiative for reliable and adequate renewable energy supply”, whose German edition was already covered in our April newsletter. Find out all about it under “What we’ve been up to” and don’t forget to check out our update on the latest climate and energy science in “If you’ve got time for a closer look”.
But enough introduction already, enjoy our May 2020 Newsletter & stay healthy!
Your EWG Team