End of Human Civilization | EU Election: Greens Gain Ground | Why Gas is Not a Bridge Fuel – June 2019

Energy Watch Group Newsletter – June 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It seems like the world as we know it might come to an end much sooner than we expected: if we continue to ignore global heating human civilization could be history by 2050. But not all hope is lost. Leonardo DiCaprio and Damon Grameau present solutions to fight climate change in their documentaries and Fridays For Future is more successful than ever: after nearly half a year, students all over the world continue to protest for better climate policies and the movement keeps growing. It certainly seems that their efforts are being acknowledged considering that the EU elections last month saw a surge in green party support all over Europe. This was particularly the case in Germany. Here the Greens now stand even higher in the polls than the Christian Democrats, who are the  majority in parliament. The UK, despite ongoing Brexit troubles, still managed to commit to a net zero target by 2050. Finland managed to top this commendable effort by announcing carbon neutrality by 2035. A wave of so called progress reports in the energy field washed over us, unfortunately there was little progress to be seen. The European Coal Exit has equally little progress to show, reports the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. Dr. Traber, the EWG’s Chief Research Officer talked about an energy system of 100% renewable energy at EVS32 in Lyon, France and President of the EWG, Hans-Josef Fell, was asked to consult the Ukranian Government on a Renewable Energy Law.