Corona Dominating the Climate | Oil Price Crash: The danger of Fossil Fuels | East Asia, Coal’s last Hope?

Read the full newsletter right here


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Like every month, we’re coming to you today with a brand-new newsletter and as always, it’s filled with our take on the most notable recent developments in the world of energy. In this month’s edition you’ll find reports on:
1) The dangers of fossil fuels (going even beyond heating up our planet) – as shown by this month’s oil price crash,
2) The EU Commission’s new climate law, which Greta Thunberg and other activists called a “surrender”,
3) The decline of coal, visible now even in one of the last strongholds of the dying coal industry – Southeast Asia.

As usual, we will also give you a little update about what we’ve been up to. And in fact, this month we’re quite proud about having launched a new study about the feasibility of a 100% renewable energy system in a very beautiful (and soon hopefully very sustainable) district in Bavaria, Southern Germany. Lastly, as always, we’ll give you a glimpse at the most recent climate science – this time with a paper suggesting that global inequalities might soon rise due to climate change.

Yet, during these times, one topic cannot be avoided and therefore tops this month’s newsletter: The Coronavirus (COVID-19). Just like everything else, it affects our own daily work as well as global energy and climate change developments. Flights have been cancelled, entire industries shut down and electricity demand is in free fall. Therefore, we’ll provide you with a short analysis of what the pandemic means for the climate change struggle and the energy transition. Let’s all try to learn and take away as much as we can from this crisis.

But enough introduction, let’s get going with our March 2020 Newsletter. Enjoy the reading!

Your EWG Team