Green Economy Saves Billions | Carbon Bubble | Climate Justice | Fossil Fuel Subsidies Exposed – June 2018
Energy Watch Group Newsletter – June 2018
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
June has brought a number of encouraging updates. Renewable energy in the global electricity sector has been booming in 2017, but swift progress is needed in heating, transport and industry, the latest REN21 report shows. Green economyhas grown to the same size as the fossil fuel industry and it is only a matter of time before it surpasses it entirely. Switching to a green economy means a dramatic increase in jobs and can save the world economy trillions of dollars, two separate studies show. Pope Francis once again endorsed science by calling oil majors to join the fight against climate change. Meanwhile, two other studies exposed continuous fossil fuel subsidies by G7 and Eastern European governments despite their commitment to Paris Agreement targets.
Read our June Newsletter to find out more