100% Renewable Energy Worldwide | European Nuclear Industry Crisis – April 2019

Energy Watch Group Newsletter – April 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On April 12, together with LUT University, we presented our new study showcasing that: A global transition to 100% renewable energy will not only reduce energy related GHG emissions to zero but is technically feasible and economically competitive with the current fossil and nuclear based system. The scientific modelling study simulates a total global energy transition to renewables in the electricity, heat, transport and desalination sectors by 2050 or earlier, given a strong political will.
More political ambition and action is urgently needed as 2018 has seen the highest emission growth in over 5 years. Not only politics but also big businesses have failed to reduce emissions and become more sustainable. While oil multinational Shell is still one of the world’s worst polluters, Ryanair might just be on its way there, the airline landed in the top-10 of Europe’s worst carbon emitters, together with 9 coal plants. Europe, or rather the EU, could nevertheless reach nearly 60% of emission reduction by 2030. In Germany, the fight for climate action continues, while business representatives want to lower emission reduction goals, Fridays for Future Germany have published a paper with an official set of climate action demands to the German government, including the call for 100% renewables by 2035 and a complete coal phase-out until 2030. Scientific work on 100% renewables is increasingly taking off, as shown in a new study by a Scandinavian research team. Read about these and more exciting news in our April Newsletter.