The Irreversible Momentum of Renewables as Climate Action | Divestment Pressure Rise – January 2017

Energy Watch Group Newsletter – January 2017

The production of energy from renewable sources is breaking records all over the globe. In 2016, Costa Rica ran 250 days solely on renewable energy. Over Christmas, wind power generation surged in Scotland and Germany. Solar is set to beat coal as the cheapest energy source. 2017 seems to be firmly on track to become another record-breaking year for renewables.

Meanwhile, an increasing number of oil and gas companies go out of business and divestment pressure rises. This development is more than needed, considering that 2016 was the third consecutive hottest year on recordand Chinese cities bog down in smog. Yet, the economic arguments become ever more compelling and the stakeholders taking action ever more influential. As the outgoing U.S. President put it in his latest Science article, the climate action “momentum is irreversible”. Read more in our January Newsletter