Our newsletter contains current international and German developments and facts on EWG topics. Feel free to forward the newsletter or individual articles to your partners in media and politics, business, and science.

EWG Newsletter Januar 2024
Dieser erste Newsletter in 2024 blickt auf den globalen und deutschen Stand und Pfad zu „null CO2-Emissionen“ sowie zur dann notwendigen Abkühlung der Planeten. Darauf aufbauend sind Schwerpunkte für unsere Arbeit in 2024 zusammengefasst.

Publications I Conferences I Uranium Scarcity I Economic Viability of Hydrogen
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
with summer arriving in the northern hemisphere, it is time for our quarterly update. Meanwhile, the world has become a different place. Russia's war in Ukraine and the EU's…

February Newsletter
Annual Report | Recent Studies | Doomsday Glacier | The Concept of "Net Zero"
Read the full newsletter here.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
as the first month of the new year has already come to a close, we would like to take the…

Summer Newsletter: How To Get to NetZero in 15 Years, Methane Emissions in Siberia, 100RE Pathways & more
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It’s been a while since you heard from us, but now we’re back: We probably don’t need to remind you of the destructing extreme weather events that have occurred all over…

European Fossil Gas Manifesto | Sustainable Megacities | Green Ammonia
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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The month of June is over and summer has arrived in the northern hemisphere. Above all else this means that various places in the world face renewed heat waves, demonstrating…