
Despite slightly increasing its renewables projections, the IEA still heavily underestimates the growth of wind and solar PV energy in its new report, Energy Watch Group (EWG) analysis shows.

October 27, 2016, Berlin – The International Energy Agency (IEA) is again underestimating the growth of renewable energy sources in its latest Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report 2016, the analysis by the Energy Watch Group shows. Despite an overall increase of 13% in the IEA’s projection for renewable energy capacity from the last forecast in 2015, the new figures covering the period to 2021 still suggest that annual installations of wind energy and solar photovoltaics (PV) would peak in 2015 and 2016, respectively, and would not grow anymore.

„The IEA is playing a dangerous game using misleading assumptions in its renewables projections. Although solar PV and wind are already the lowest cost sources of electricity in many regions in the world, the IEA continues to project that annual installations in these two sectors would not grow in the coming five years compared to the already achieved levels in 2015 and 2016“, Professor of Solar Economy at Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland and Chairman of the EWG scientific board Christian Breyer said.

The EWG analysis also shows that the IEA’s investment cost assumptions for solar PV in major markets for 2016 are at least 20% higher than in reality. Current prices for PV power plants in India are about 750 USD/kWp. Meanwhile, the IEA report says the prices in the leading markets (China and Germany) should not be lower than 1150 – 1300 USD/kWp, whereas in reality they are already 35-40% lower than that. The costs of global weighted average electricity generation, projected for 2021 by the IEA, are about today’s cost. This means that the IEA ignores the currently observed cost decline of about 5-10% per year.

According to the IEA, in the period 2016 – 2021, solar PV capacity will add 85 GW in Asia Pacific. Meanwhile, India alone plans to install about 90 GW (100 GW until 2022) in the same period and the Indian Minister of Energy said in spring 2016 that new solar PV is the least cost source of electricity, in particular cheaper than new coal plants. “We would like to know why the IEA assumes that this policy target in India will not be achieved. We have not found valid arguments in the report”, Breyer said.

The IEA is also projecting lack of growth of annually sold electric vehicles after 2020, despite trends indicating that electric cars will be cheaper than comparable cars with combustion engines before the year 2025. This has been projected by leading financial analysts such as Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

“In the last 10 years, the IEA has been making misleading projections for solar PV and wind, as well as e-mobility, ignoring the radical price fall in these sectors. This appears as an attempt of protecting fossil fuel business that has come under economic pressure”, President of Energy Watch Group and former Member of the German Parliament Hans-Josef Fell said. “We call on the IEA to urgently review its assumptions and to finally make realistic projections in its forthcoming World Energy Outlook.”

In its 2015 series of studies, the Energy Watch Group together with the Lappeenranta University of Technology proved that the IEA’s annual World Energy Outlook reports between 1994 and 2015 had published misleading projections on solar PV and wind energy. The WEO has a significant impact on both political and economic decisions of governments regarding energy all around the world. The Energy Watch Group plans to assess the IEA’s forthcoming World Energy Outlook, due to be launched on November 16.

New Study: Low-Cost Energy System in India without Nuclear and Coal Base Load by 2030 Feasible

September 27, 2016, Berlin/Lappeenranta – In India, energy supply, fully based on renewable energy sources, storage and distribution, is feasible and the most cost-effective option for 2030 assumptions, a new study by the Lappeenranta University of Technology and the Energy Watch Group shows.

“Our modelling has proven that fluctuating wind and solar energy, supplemented by highly flexible bioenergy, hydropower, geothermal energy and storage, can provide the lowest-cost electricity in India by 2030 on an hourly basis and during all seasons throughout the year, including the monsoon period”, the study lead author and professor of Solar Economy at Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland, Christian Breyer, said. “In such sustainable and future-oriented energy systems, nuclear and coal-fired base load would be unreasonable and disruptive”.

“Despite some positive political initiatives on renewable energy in India, including the International Solar Alliance, the Indian government still does not give up its plans on new coal and nuclear power plants, arguing that they are indispensable for the power supply base load. Our study proves just the opposite,” President of Energy Watch Group and former Member of the German Parliament Hans-Josef Fell said.

“We believe that by investing in rapid renewable energy and storage, India has high chances to join and even overtake the leading countries on renewable energy,” Fell added.

The study represents the first research results for achieving a solid basis for the Indian future-oriented energy system in line with the Paris Agreement targets. The authors plan an extensive research on the entire energy system in India, including transport, heat, seawater desalination and the industrial sector.

Die Energy Watch Group -die im vergangenen Jahr deutliche Kritik an den IEA-Zahlen geübt hatte- meldet, dass die IEA in ihrem World Energy Outlook 2017 die Prognosen für Photovoltaik- und Wind-Energie nach oben korrigieren wird, so das PV Magazine.

“The IEA will raise its projections for solar PV and wind in its forthcoming »World Energy Outlook 2017«, according to Energy Watch Group (EWG), an international network of scientists and parliamentarians”, writes Photon.

If Germany Bans Internal Combustion Engines, It’ll Change the Game: We do not expect it will become a law within the next 12 months,” writes Volker Quaschning, an energy researcher at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin, in Germany.

Präsident der Energy Watch Group Hans-Josef Fell schreibt in PV Magazine Deutschlandüber die Erhöhung der EEG-Umlage.

Europa soll Kuschelkurs mit Exxon beenden. In Deutschland wird die Petition von Hans-Josef Fell unterstützt, dem Chef der Energy Watch Group und Autor des ersten Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes.

Im Club der Atomfreunde: Für zwingend erforderlich hält Fell, der heute Präsident der Expertengruppe „Energy Watch Group“ ist, die Einberufung einer Euratom-Vertragsstaatenkonferenz, die seit Jahrzehnten schon nicht mehr stattgefunden hat.

Neues Modell soll Kombikraftwerke fördern: Die Integration von Wind- und Solarstrom in das Stromsystem gilt als wichtige Aufgabe der Energiewende im Stromsektor. Nach Ansicht von Hans-Josef Fell, Präsident der Energy-Watch-Group und Ideengeber zum Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG), reichen herkömmliche Instrumente nicht aus.


Sigmar Gabriel murkst weiter: Warum die EEG-Novelle ihr Ziel verfehlt – ein Kommentar:

… So hat Hans Josef Fell, Präsident der Energy Watch Group, schon vor längerer Zeit vorgeschlagen, zum ursprünglichen Mechanismus der physikalischen Wälzung zurückzukehren.


Bundestag und Bundesrat haben das Ende der Energiewende eingeläutet, so Hans-Josef Fell in seinem Kommentar zur EEG-Novelle.

The Brexit offers a chance to finally put an end to the EURATOM treaty, writes The Energy Collective. According to Fell, Brexit will offer a unique chance to dissolve EURATOM.

Der Brexit könnte die Briten beim Atomausbau zurückwerfen: Denn nach Ansicht des Präsidenten der Energy Watch Group, Hans-Josef Fell, müsste das Land dann auch aus dem Euratom-Vertrag aussteigen und auf erhebliche Subventionen verzichten, schreibt Cicero zum britischen Votum.

The Brexit vote offers a unique chance to put an end to the outdated EURATOM Treaty, writes President of Energy Watch Group Hans-Josef Fell in his op-ed at Energy Post.

“We are on the edge of transition to emission-free economy -the only system to save the planet” says EWG President Hans-Josef Fell in his latest interview in The Beam Magazine.

“Regierung sollte den letzten Schritt auf dem fossilen Weg auslassen” – sagt Fracking-Experte Werner Zittel in seinem neuesten Interview mit Wirtschaftswoche Green.

The European Union must wake up to a new post-Paris Agreement reality. It needs an ambitious climate action plan to regain its credibility as a “climate leader” and send the right signals to investors, argues Hans-Josef Fell in his op-ed for Euractiv.

Hans-Josef Fell is interviewed in a documentary by ARTE about high electricity bills and the slow-down of the energy transition in Europe.

SolarPV TV interviewed President of Energy Watch Group Hans-Josef Fell on the sidelines of the clmate change conference in Paris COP21.

Werner Zittel ist überzeugt: Die Blase wird bald platzen. Aus deutscher Sicht hält er es deshalb für ratsam, das Schiefergas lieber im Boden zu lassen. Das Deutschlandfunk-Interview als Video und Audio.

Das Tagesgespräch auf Bayern 2 und in ARD-alpha hat gefragt: Wie ist Ihre Meinung? Kann und muss in Bayern noch mehr auf Windkraft gesetzt werden als bisher? Wo ist es noch sinnvoll und möglich? Wo lassen sich noch weitere Windräder bauen? Antworten gibt Hans-Josef Fell im Interview.

Die ZDF-Sendung Zoom stellt in ihrem ausführlichem Beitrag “Sonne, Wind, Wut” das Zerschlagen des bürgerlichen Engagements beim Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien dar. Zu Wort kommen Betroffene und EWG Präsident Hans-Josef Fell.

In seinem Gastbeitrag in der Frankfurter Rundschau drängt Hans-Josef Fell die EU zu mehr Mut bei der Energiewende und fordert eine vollständige Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft.

RT (Russia Today): ‘Don’t compare EU with US’: Fracking costs exceed benefits for Europe, study says

“The impact of fracking on the environment and health in Europe is disproportionate to the gains derived from this drilling method, a new study says”

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Focus Online: Fracking verliert durch niedrigen Ölpreis an Attraktivität

“Den USA könnte in nächster Zeit eine Fracking-Flaute drohen. Der Absturz des Ölpreises macht die aufwändige Fördermethode unattraktiver. Erst vor gut einer Woche hat Präsident Obama neue Fracking-Vorschriften erlassen, die die Förderung zusätzlich erschweren”

TeleSUR: Gas Fracking Costs Outweigh Benefits in Germany, Says Study

“The study, issued by the Energy Watch Group and reported by German outlet Euractiv Friday, argued that not only does the drilling technique cause irreversible and extensive damage to the water and landscape, but the financial benefits are questionable”

Neues Deutschland: Einbahnstraße Fracking

“In Anbetracht der Umweltkosten und der Rentabilität wird Fracking »nie einen substanziellen Beitrag haben können«. So fasst der Energieforscher Werner Zittel die Ergebnisse seiner am Donnerstag in Berlin vorgestellten Studie »Fracking – eine Zwischenbilanz« zusammen”

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Energy News (ES): ¿Está próximo el fin del negocio del fracking? Un nuevo estudio de Energy Watch Group lo cuestiona

“La fractura hidráulica es, sin lugar a dudas, la tecnología más polémica y controvertida de estos años. Las opiniones tan polarizadas a favor y en contra crean muchas dudas en la sociedad. Y ahora, un nuevo estudio de Energy Watch Group sobre las consecuencias y la evolución actual de fracking pone de nuevo sobre la mesa la idoneidad de la extracción del gas no convencional”

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Mittelbayerische Zeitung: Den USA droht die Fracking Flaute

“Eine Studie der Energy Watch Group – ein internationales Netzwerk von Wissenschaftlern und Parlamentariern – warnte mit Verweis auf die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der US-Frackingindustrie vor einem Ausbau der Schiefergasförderung in Deutschland und Europa. „Massenentlassungen und Insolvenzen zeigen ein völlig anderes Bild als das des jahrelangen sicheren Aufschwungs der fossilen Wirtschaft“, heißt es in dem Bericht”

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Die Welt: Studie warnt vor Ausbau der Schiefergasförderung in Deutschland

“Mit Verweis auf die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der US-Frackingindustrie hat eine Studie vor einem Ausbau der umstrittenen Schiefergasförderung in Deutschland und Europa gewarnt. In den USA zeichne sich ein Ende des Fracking-Booms ab, der dortigen Schiefergasindustrie gehe es nicht gut, heißt es in einer am Donnerstag in Berlin veröffentlichten Untersuchung der Energy Watch Group. Massenentlassungen und Insolvenzen zeigen ein völlig anderes Bild, als das des jahrelangen sicheren Aufschwungs der fossilen Wirtschaft”

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EurActiv: Fracking costs outweigh benefits for Germany and Europe, study says

“For only a ten year supply of energy, fracking in Europe would contaminate drinking water, cause severe environmental damage and create vast industrial landscapes, says a study on fracking, as the German government pushes to legalise the controversial extraction method”

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Stern: Studie warnt vor Ausbau des Fracking in Deutschland

“Mit Verweis auf die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der US-Frackingindustrie hat eine Studie vor einem Ausbau der umstrittenen Schiefergasförderung in Deutschland und Europa gewarnt. In den USA zeichne sich ein Ende des Fracking-Booms ab, der dortigen Schiefergasindustrie gehe es nicht gut, heißt es in einer in Berlin veröffentlichten Untersuchung der Energy Watch Group. Massenentlassungen und Insolvenzen zeigen ein völlig anderes Bild, als das des jahrelangen sicheren Aufschwungs der fossilen Wirtschaft.”

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Wirschafts Woche: Fracking Studie – Schiefergasboom ist in Deutschland unmöglich

“Die Entwicklungen jenseits des Atlantiks wecken Begehrlichkeiten, auch in Europa, auch in Deutschland. Denn auch hier gibt es große Schiefergasvorkommen, glauben die Geologen (wie groß sie sind, weiß derzeit allerdings niemand mit Sicherheit zu sagen). Ob solch ein Rohstoffboom auch in Europa möglich wäre und welche Folgen er hätte, hat nun Werner Zittel, Erdgas- und Rohstoffexperte der Beratung Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik aus Ottobrunn, im Auftrag der Energy Watch Group untersucht. Die Watch Group ist eine Nichtregierungsorganisation, die sich vor allem mit der Verfügbarkeit von fossilen Rohstoffen beschäftigt.”

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Euractive: IEA-Bericht: “Es müssen endlich realistische Szenarien her”

„Der heute veröffentlichte “World Energy Outlook” der Internationalen Energieagentur (IEA) reiht sich ein in eine lange Tradition: Potenziale von erneuerbaren Energien werden klein geredet, konventionelle Energiequellen überschätzt, kritisiert Hans-Josef Fell, Ex-Bundestagsabgeordneter und Präsident der Energy Watch Group. Mit Blick auf die entscheidende UN-Klimakonferenz müsse die IEA endlich einen realistischen Wegweiser liefern.“

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PV-Magazine: EWG: IEA unterschätzt weiter Potenzial von Photovoltaik und Windkraft

„Im nun vorgelegten World Energy Outlook 2015 ist nach Ansicht der Energy Watch Group weiterhin die Bedeutung von konventionellen Energien überschätzt. Der prognostizierte rückläufige Zubau von Photovoltaik und Windkraft ist hingegen in dem IEA-Bericht nicht korrekt.“

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Neue Energie: „Absolut nicht nachvollziehbar“

„Man erkennt daraus – wenn man die gesellschaftlichen Kräfte richtig unterstützt, kann alles sehr viel schneller gehen. Das ist der wahre Realismus. Und das gilt weltweit. Schauen Sie sich die Prognosen der Internationalen Energie Agentur (IEA) an, die lagen in den vergangenen 15 Jahren regelmäßig fundamental unter dem dann tatsächlich erreichten Ausbau.“

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Sun&Wind Energy: Energy Watch Group criticises unrealistic IEA scenario

„The current WEO is no better. So far, technologies such as PV and wind power have been growing exponentially, nevertheless, IEA projects their growth to be linear. This would mean that the annual market growth was nearly non-existent, but the actual market growth of wind energy since the year 2000 has been just below 10 % per year, while solar was even higher.“

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EE-News: Energy Watch Group: IEA Szenarien sind abenteuerliche und unverantwortliche Voraussagen

„Trotz des exponentiellen Wachstums von Photovoltaik und Windkraft in den letzten Jahrzehnten geht die IEA weiterhin von einer linearen Wachstumskurve dieser Technologien aus, d.h. kein Wachstum der jährlichen Installationen. Das jährliche Marktwachstum bei Windkraft lag aber bei knapp 10% seit dem Jahr 2000, bei Photovoltaik deutlich darüber und es kann laut den Marktanalysen von Bloomberg New Energy Finance und IHS für Photovoltaik von einem jährlichen Marktwachstum von 10% oder mehr in den kommenden Jahren ausgegangen werden.“

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CleanTechnica: Energy Watch Group Questions International Energy Agency’s Credibility

„In the wake of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) annual World Energy Outlook (WEO) report, published last week, the Energy Watch Group (EWG) — an international network of scientists and parliamentarians — has not only criticized the IEA’s energy projections, but has subsequently called into question their overall credibility as an energy analyst.“

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Berlin, 30 November 2015.  A new analysis by the Energy Watch Group shows the International Energy Agency has provided misleading scenarios in the case of solar power generation. The IEA has repeatedly ignored the rapid market growth of renewable energies in its World Energy Outlooks (WEO), particularly the added capacity of PV. In the WEO 2015 it has used outdated data, e.g. for 2014, when market growth was not taken into consideration. Newly added PV capacity for the year 2015 was ignored as well, although the data was already known in September 2015.

For 2015, an estimate of international market research analysts suggests an annual added capacity of PV of 55-60 GW. In the WEO, no concrete added capacity numbers are mentioned. Additionally, the IEA has not consiered the replacement of old PV plants starting from 2035. Taking this into consideration, assumptions of the IEA mean that the net added capacity starts to decline again from 2035.

As the cost of PV will further continue to decline, it will stimulate growth of PV installations worldwide. At the same time more financial investors are turning their back on fossil and nuclear projects in favor of renewable energies. Given those developments, the IEA forecast for PV and other renewable energy sources appear completely incomprehensible.

Full Energy Watch Group Analysis of the IEA’s outlook for solar power generation can be found here.

You might also find interesting:
The Energy Watch Group evaluation of WEO 2015
The Energy Watch Group study on WEOs 1994-2014.

The projections of the International Energy Agency (IEA) for PV have proven to be unreliable in the past. The Energy Watch Group had discussed this in detail in September 2015. The analysis of the current World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2015 shows that the IEA apparently remains at its assessments for future energy scenarios. The following analysis demonstrates this fact on the concrete example of the projections for photovoltaics (PV).

In the recent years, the IEA has ignored the rapid market growth of renewable energies particularly the added capacity of PV and used outdated data in its scenarios. Thus, the IEA ignored the market growth in 2014 and the new added capacity record for the year 2015, which could be recognized already in September. In particular, the IEA makes the highly unlikely assumption that the market growth for PV drops in 2014 and the annual added capacity remains lower than in 2013 for the next decades. For a still young world market, these are highly unlikely assumptions, which could only be conceivable if political decisions would regulate solar power as undesirable worldwide.

Figure 1: Added PV capacity

Figure 1 shows the annual market volume for PV. The black solid bold line shows the real added capacities from 1990 to 2015. For 2015, however, at the end of September an estimate of international market research analysts suggests an annual added capacity of 55- 60 GW. In the WEO, no concrete added capacity numbers are mentioned. This insight can be counted back from total installed power capacity. Since the values in the WEO are only given in five-year steps the Energy Watch Group has calculated an adapted scenario, matching the cumulative installed power capacity of the WEO. For each time period, a constant added capacity rate was calculated to reflect the exact value for each year.

At least until 2035, the annual added capacity rate of WEO 2015 „New Policies Scenario“ remains below the level of 2013. The Energy Watch Group has made various assumptions in the calculations on the lifetime of the PV systems. With a lifetime of 30 years, a rapidly increasing proportion of old plants must get substituted starting from 2035. Taking this into consideration, assumptions of the IEA mean that the net added capacity starts to decline again from 2035.

Assuming a PV system lifetime of 25 years, the beginning of the substitution of old power plants shifts by 5 years. Taking this into account, the net added capacity rate till 2030 in the WEO remains below the already experienced real expansion rates in 2013. Thereafter, the gross added capacity rate must increase significantly. Table 1 shows for the respective periods the calculated gross expansion rates, leading to the installed power rates of the IEA scenario.

Table 1: PV market growth rate

The required increased added capacity rate of the last five-year interval against the trend of previous years is implausible. This leads to the assumption that the IEA has not taken into account the need for repowering.

In addition, the figure shows the added capacity rates, as they were used in the WEO 2013 and the WEO 2014. However, only the average net added capacity rate was calculated from the difference of the installed power. Nevertheless, it shows how the scheme of the IEA continues. In either scenario, it is assumed, that the market growth at the beginning of the scenario arrived at the maximum and will decline in the future.

There are other institutions dealing with market scenarios for solar power generation. One of the best known is the scenario energy [r]evolution created on the regular basis, which was jointly commissioned by Greenpeace, GWEC and SPE in 2015 and carried out by the renowned German Center for Aerospace. Figure 2 shows the IEA scenario together with energy [r]evolution 2015 and the forecasts of Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), published in the ‚New Energy Outlook 2015‘. Energy [r]evolution updates the empirically observed market growth in recent years. In previous reports of energy [r]evolution it was observed that the projections corresponded quite well with the real development. This is true not only for PV but to a similar extent for wind energy.

Misleading IEA scenarios can not be perceived as credible. It is hard not make any judgment of its intentions.

Figure 2: Added PV capacity – WEO 2015 (NPS) scenario and Greenpeace – energy [r]evolution 2015

The decline of added capacity in the Greenpeace energy [r]evolution scenario from 2040 is justified by the fact that an even nearly 100% renewable energy supply is reached. Therefore fossil and nuclear power plants are already substituted and thus there is only a substitution requirement for already built power plants, but it comes in use later in full volume due to the long technical lifetime of PV systems. It should be noted that other authors expect higher installation numbers around the middle of the century and in particular no decline, which is essentially based on the fact that it is assumed on the one hand, a higher proportion of PV in the energy mix an on the other hand, a higher worldwide energy demand.

The global political economic conditions point to an even faster growth of added capacities compared to the previous expansion rates: The cost of PV will continue to decline, as well as the cost of battery storage, which will further stimulate growth of PV installations. At the same time even more financial investors divest from financing fossil and nuclear projects. This is partly because political blockades in Europe hinder a fundamental reform of the electricity market design, therefore only poor financial returns can be expected. Moreover in many parts of the world climate change is finally being taken seriously by an increasing number of financial investors and private investors concerned about the incalculable risk of nuclear power. This liberated capital is increasingly being invested in renewable energies. Particularly in view of this very dynamic development for years, the IEA forecast for PV and other renewable energy sources appear incomprehensible.

Press release

Energy Watch Group calls on the IEA to release realistic scenarios

World Energy Outlook underestimates once again the potential of renewable energy sources, holding back their global expansion.

November 12, 2015, Berlin – The international network of scientists and parliamentarians Energy Watch Group (EWG) calls on the International Energy Agency (IEA) to finally release realistic energy projections. The World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2015 once again underestimates sharply the potential of solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy and emphasizes the conventional energy sources, the EWG assessment shows. Furthermore, the decline in the expansion of wind and solar energy, projected by the WEO2015, is not correct.

The latest EWG study has proven that the IEA has been continuously publishing misleading projections on solar PV and wind energy in the past 10 years. The WEO has significant impact both on the political and economic decisions of world governments regarding energy.

“The WEO 2015 shows one cannot take the IEA seriously as a credible energy analyst any longer,” President of the Energy Watch Group and former Member of the German Parliament Hans-Josef Fell said. “Despite its own warnings of limited investments in the oil business, the IEA predicts a further increase in the oil production until 2030. Meanwhile, the actually occurring rapid development of renewable energy is downplayed. This way the IEA increasingly turns into a cause of the global warming.”

Despite the exponential growth of solar PV and wind power in the last decades, the IEA keeps assuming a linear growth for these technologies, meaning no growth of the annual installations. However, the annual market growth of wind energy has been just under 10% since 2000, and solar PV significantly higher. The market analyses by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and IHS forecast a 10% or more annual market growth of solar PV in the coming years.

In its baseline ‘New Policy Scenario’, the IEA expects wind and solar PV markets to shrink: the annual added capacity for the period 2015 to 2040 is respectively 20% and 40% lower than the current levels. In its most optimistic ‘450 Scenario’, the IEA assumes no (0 %) annual market growth for both technologies. In addition, the investment costs for solar PV seem to be outdated, as the WEO expects for the years 2025 – 2040 on average higher investment costs than the already achieved level of 2015, with further declines in costs.

“Although the IEA spreads positive messages in its WEO presentations, the actual figures show serious errors and inadequately low forecasts for sustainable energy technologies, which are the least expensive form of energy supply in a growing number of regions in the world”, Christian Breyer, Professor for Solar Economy at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland and lead author of the recent EWG study, said. “We need urgent help of journalists and civil society to find out the real reasons for these continuous incorrect IEA projections for solar PV and wind energy.”

The growth of nuclear energy projected by the WEO 2015 is doubtful. In recent years, there was no significant expansion and the exploding costs of recent nuclear projects, including in Finland and France, show that the expansion of nuclear power, projected by the WEO, will not be financially viable.

The WEO projections for the oil sector are also too optimistic as in the past. A further increase in oil consumption to over 103.5 mb/d by 2040 is unrealistic, given the high debts of oil companies, the lack of investments and the already decreasing conventional oil production. The low interest rates since 2009 obviously cannot set the expected growth impulses.

“These projections are risky and irresponsible. We are now standing at a crossroads: either high oil prices disrupt the economy, or lower prices disrupt oil companies. It is a toss-up whether the transition to a low-carbon energy supply will go smoothly or will cause major upheavals”, Werner Zittel, senior energy expert at Ludwig Bölkow Systemtechnik said. “Even more so it must be the duty of the IEA to provide realistic signposts rather than limit itself to the business-as-usual thinking.”

New EWG study: International Energy Agency holds back global energy transition

Energy Watch Group and Lappeenranta University of Technology analysis shows that the IEA has consistently undermined potential of solar and wind energy in the last decade.

September 22, 2015, Berlin – Energy Watch Group makes the International Energy Agency responsible for consistently underestimating the potential of renewable energy and promoting conventional energy sources.

The new study by Energy Watch Group and Lappeenranta University of Technology, released today, comes to the conclusion that the International Energy Agency (IEA) annual reports World Energy Outlook (WEO) between 1994 and 2014 have been publishing misleading projections on solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy. The WEO has significant impact on both political and economic decisions of world governments regarding energy.

“The IEA has been holding back the global energy transition for years. The false WEO predictions lead to high investments in fossil and nuclear sector, hinder global development of renewable energy and undermine the global fight against climate change”, President of Energy Watch Group and former Member of the German Parliament Hans-Josef Fell said.

Although solar PV and wind have grown exponentially for the last decades and are expected to continue growing in the decades to come, the IEA keeps assuming linear growth for these technologies, meaning no growth of the annual installations. According to WEO projections, by 2030 renewable energy is expected to provide only 14% of global electricity supply, whereas assuming the average growth rates of the last 20 years the projection would be close to 60%.

“Despite the rapidly growing markets for solar PV and wind energy, the WEO dramatically undervalues their potential, which leads to fatal projections”, the study lead author and professor of Solar Economy at Lappeenranta University of Technology in Finland Christian Breyer said. “From a scientific point of view, these structural errors are incomprehensible, from a social perspective they are irresponsible.”

The WEO reports are being approved by OECD governments, some of which have high stakes in conventional industry. Therefore, the Energy Watch Group calls the scientific community and civil society to examine closer political and business dependencies within IEA.

The key findings of the study include:

  • The WEO 2010 projections for solar PV capacity for the year 2024 (180 GW) have been achieved in January 2015 and exceeded threefold the WEO projections for 2015.
  • Real wind capacity in 2010 exceeded 260% and 104% the WEO 2002 and 2004 projections respectively for this year. WEO projections for wind energy from 2002 for 2030 had been achieved 20 years earlier, in 2010.
  • Independent analysts have been more correct in their projections of the successful expansion of renewable energy than the WEO. Only forecasts of the conventional energy industry, including BP, Shell and Exxon Mobil, were similarly low as IEA projections.
  • WEO projections overestimate the potential of coal industry in the last years and do not reflect the latest trend of divestment of finance from the coal industry in the last years as well as China’s starting coal exit and increasing investment in renewables.
  • WEO from 2000 to 2006 highly overestimated oil-based electricity.
  • Despite a decline of nuclear energy in the last 10 years, WEO still projects an annual expansion of about 10 GW nuclear in the next decade. Given a few commissioned and financed nuclear projects and the 100-200% overruns over the planning costs in Europe and delays, WEO projections appear highly overestimated.

The full study (in English) is available here.

Press release in German is available here.

On October 2, 2015 the International Energy Agency (IEA) launched the Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report (MTRMR) 2015 on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Istanbul.

The report demonstrates a certain effort by the IEA to recognize the relevance of renewable energies for power capacity over the medium term. It also points out that enhanced energy policies will give greater certainty about the long-term revenue streams of renewable projects and can foster their deployment.

The IEA figures reflect reality to a certain extend: in the OECD, renewables account for nearly all net additions to power capacity, compared to fossil fuels and nuclear. In the non-OECD, fossil fuels remain significant but there is large upside potential for renewables.

Yet, IEA projections of renewables expansion and costs remain largely conservative (Figure 34 and 65). Just like the IEA’s World Energy Outlook, this report makes the same error of assuming a linear growth for renewable energy despite the proved exponential growth track in the last decade. Read more on that in the last Energy Watch Group study.

The estimated 429.5 GW global solar PV capacity till 2020 are well below the estimates of Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) 589 GW, SolarPower Europe (SPE) 606 GW and Greenpeace 732 GW. The WEO 2014 projection on global solar capacity was only 364 GW. (see below 1)

Surprisingly, the report does not show the growth of the PV market in China and no significant market growth in India although both countries adopted 100 GW PV programs till 2020 and 2022 (See Figure 68). This year alone, China has raised its solar power installation target for 2015 by 40 percent.

IEA projects only 45 – 60 GW of global annual solar PV additions in 2020, whereas BNEF estimates 87 GW and SPE about 66 GW. (see below 2)  The same concerns the estimates of global cumulative renewable capacity: IEA projects around 700 GW whereas BNEF estimates 1004 GW and Greenpeace 1249 GW.

SUMMARY: The IEA Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report (MTRMR) 2015 goes in the right direction, but the wrong assumption of linear growth leads and conservative estimates result in undermining the global renewables energy market growth.

  1. The market outlook of SPE ends in 2019, therefore a market volume for the year 2020 according to the previous years had been added to get comparable installed capacities for the year 2020.
  2. The market outlook of SPE ends in 2019, therefore a market volume for the year 2020 according to the previous years had been added to get comparable installed capacities for the year 2020.