Unser Newsletter enthält aktuelle Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse zu den EWG-Themen – international und in Deutschland. Leiten Sie den Newsletter oder einzelne Beiträge gerne an ihre Partner in Medien und Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft weiter.
Global Shift Away from Fossil Fuels | IEA Gets Its Projections Wrong, Again! | All Coal-Power Plants in Europe Loss-Making by 2030 – November 2017
Energy Watch Group Newsletter - November 2017
You are reading our last newsletter before Christmas and our transition into the new year. 2017 has seen progress in new commitments across the world to act on climate change. We welcome the…
100% Renewable Electricity Worldwide | IRENA: Feed-in-Tariff vs. Tenders | Global Anti-Coal Alliance – October 2017
Energy Watch Group Newsletter - October 2017
It is our great pleasure to present our new breakthrough study together with Lappeenranta University of Technology on a global electricity system, fully based on renewable energy. This first-of-its-art…
IEA Still Sells Renewables Short | Fossil Fuel Subsidies in EU & US | Tenders Hinder Energy Transition – September 2017
Energy Watch Group Newsletter - September 2017
We are glad to see that the International Energy Agency (IEA) has finally lifted its projections in the latest Renewables report. Yet, the IEA keeps selling the rapid growth of renewables short,…
Accelerating Transition to 100% Renewables | Coal & Nuclear Outcompeted | Peak Oil and Peak Gas – August 2017
Energy Watch Group Newsletter - August 2017
As prices for renewables keep falling, the global transition to 100% will happen faster than many think. To accelerate the process, we need innovative policy measures, writes EWG President Hans-Josef…
Banks, Governments Finance Fossil Fuels | Coal & Nuclear in Sharp Decline | Renewables Hit the Tipping Point – July 2017
Energy Watch Group Newsletter - July 2017
As banks and governments remain heavily invested in the fossil fuel industry despite the international climate committments, shareholders increasingly start to hold their banks and companies accountable.…