Summer Newsletter: How To Get to NetZero in 15 Years, Methane Emissions in Siberia, 100RE Pathways & more

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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It’s been a while since you heard from us, but now we’re back: We probably don’t need to remind you of the destructing extreme weather events that have occurred all over the world in these last months. The pictures of deadly fires and devatstating floods are still in all of our heads. Sadly, we cannot offer much consolation for those hoping that this summer was an exception. If humanity lets Climate Change proceed, we will face more and more summer months with devastating heat waves and/or heavy rainfall.

The IPCC has recently confirmed this once again. In the first chapter of their latest assessment report, it was made clear that human actions have “unequivocally caused” this situation of global heating and if we don’t act soon, the consequences will become much dearer. The third chapter, which lays out ways of reducing human influence on the climate, is set to be released early next year. However, Scientist Rebellion, the academic branch of Extinction Rebellion, leaked a draft version of this chapter before it can be watered down in negotiations with government representatives, as was common practice with previous IPCC reports. To no one’s surprise, the leak suggests radical changes in economic patterns, particularly for higher income consumers.

With climate change, time is of the essence, now more than ever. The next few years may be the last ones, to still induce the drastic change in emissions that is needed to remain within 1.5°C of planetary heating. When the next election is ahead in your country, remember to vote for a party with a solid plan to solve the Climate Crisis. In Germany, Canada and Norway elections are taking place this year still. Let’s make them count!

Our summer newsletter is dedicated to updating you on our activities in the last two months and sharing new climate science with you.

Particularly, this edition covers:

With that, we let you get right to it and wish you a good start into fall season.

Enjoy the reading!

Your EWG Team