Air Pollution: ‚New Tobacco‘ | Germany: Climate Brakeman? | Climate Litigation on the Rise – October 2018

Energy Watch Group Newsletter – October 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The simple act of breathing is killing seven million people a year and harming billions more, the World Health Organization warns in the run up to its first global air pollution conference. The latest data from the European Space Agency revealed that the global nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution has reached unprecedented scale. The landmark IPCC report showed that the world can still succeed in keeping the global warming to 1.5°C, but for that „rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes“ will be needed. Meanwhile, worldwide, over 670,000 MW of new coal threaten reaching the 1.5°C target and coal burning remains a major source of highly toxic mercury pollution in Europe. A former climate action front runner, Germany, is turning into a brakeman, hindering more ambitious climate action on the EU level. In the aftermath of the IPCC report, climate litigation cases across the world are expected to rise. Read our October newsletter to find out more.