Wind & Solar Reach 1TW | Germany’s Climate Goals Still Within Reach | Renewable Electricity in G20 – August 2018

Energy Watch Group Newsletter – August 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As the German government officially admitted that it is likely to miss its climate targets, two recent studies show that the former climate leader can still reach them. The studies prove that technical possibilities are there, what is lacking is the political will. Meanwhile, the latest data from BNEF shows that the world has reached its first terawatt of wind and solar PV generating capacitiy. The second terawatt will arrive by mid-2023, BNEF forecasts. Several good news come from the global divestment movement, as Munich Re has announced its first humble step and two French insurance firms said they will no longer invest in new coal-fired power plants, which affects German top utility RWE. Global off-grid renewable capacity was steadily growing, contributing further to enabling universal access to energy. A recent study shows that renewable electricity in G20 countries by 2030 would be much cheaper than the current system. You will find these news as well as the CNN coverage of the Energy Watch Group study on 100% renewable electricity worldwide in our August newsletter.